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These peanut butter whiskey drinks are the best ways to highlight its sweet, nutty flavor. Many Skrewball drink recipes out there are overly sweet. But we found peanut butter whiskey is better accented with tart, bubbly or bitter flavors to cut the sweetness. Looking for a fun banana milk near me to drink peanut butter whiskey?

Try the Peanut Butter Whiskey Old Fashioned! This spin on the classic uses sweet Skrewball peanut butter whiskey in place of bourbon or rye. The drink could not be more different from the original! Looking for a unique peanut butter whiskey drink? Try the Peanut Butter and Jelly, a quirky sweet tart cocktail made with Skrewball peanut butter and cranberry juice. This unlikely combination makes the cocktail version of your favorite childhood sandwich! Here’s a quick and easy way to make a peanut butter whiskey drink: Skrewball and Coke!

Make it using peanut butter whiskey and it’s got an irresistible nutty finish. Cut the sweet with a generous squeeze of lemon or lime. An oddly delicious peanut butter whiskey drink? Tart orange juice is a tasty pairing with peanut butter whiskey, giving it a subtly nutty finish. Substitute the same quantity of peanut butter whiskey as vodka in this drink. Coffee is a natural pairing with peanut butter whiskey! Make it into an Irish coffee by skipping the sugar and using Skrewball instead.

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