
Beef stroganoff with cream of mushroom soup

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This post may contain affiliate links. Feel free to serve over pasta, rice, zucchini noodles, quinoa or whatever sounds good. This easy beef stroganoff recipe is made with the most delicious garlicky creamy mushroom sauce and can be ready to go in just 30 minutes! Feel free to serve over any kind of noodles, rice, or polenta.

Gimme Some Oven: This best beef stroganoff recipe — easy to make in just 30 minutes, lightened up a bit, and made with the most delicious garlicky creamy mushroom sauce. And when served warm over a big bowl of noodles, rice or polenta, get ready for a delicious burst of nostalgia. Because this retro recipe is total comfort food and always so satisfying and delicious. The other bonus with this particular beef stroganoff recipe is that it’s actually incredibly quick and easy to make in just about 30 minutes.

So the next time you need a quick weeknight meal that’s sure to please a crowd, bring out the beef and mushrooms and let’s sauté up some stroganoff together! This 30-Minute Easy Beef Stroganoff recipe is quick and easy to make, full of creamy steak and mushrooms, and SO savory and delicious! Classic Beef Stroganoff Ingredients: First, a few quick notes about ingredients. Amounts are included in the full recipe below.

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