
Best meat tenderizer tool america’s test kitchen

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Your IP: Click to reveal 46. 14 0 1 1 0 4. Thank you for making Chowhound a vibrant and passionate community of food trailblazers for 25 years. We wish you all the best on your future culinary endeavors. UPGRADE TO DELUXE: INCLUDES 4 PIECE ACCESSORY KIT: Berry, Pumpkin, Salsa Screens and Grape Spiral. Easily convert your manual operated food strainer into a convenient electric powered food strainer. This electric motor is for the Victorio Food Strainer model 250 only.

Re-designed and loaded with advanced features, the VKP250 Model 250 Victorio Strainer and Sauce Maker is your very own, portable and easy to use food strainer. Relish home-made sauces, pulpy juices, purees and yummy jams with this VKP250 Model 250 Victorio Strainer and Sauce Maker. It is easy to use and demands least maintenance. This handy food strainer and sauce maker will simplify all the time consuming recipes. Simply add slices in the hopper of the Victorio food mill and start cranking. It will remove the core from their skin and seeds to offer you fresh and delectable juices of fruits or raw veggies of your choice. The best thing about this food strainer and sauce maker, is that it doesn’t require any professional skills for installation and operations.

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