
Boiling lemons and limes for weight loss

Boiling lemons and limes for weight loss gums, a symptom of scurvy. The triangle-shaped areas between the teeth show redness of the gums.

Early symptoms of deficiency include weakness, feeling tired and sore arms and legs. It takes at least a month of little to no vitamin C in the diet before symptoms occur. Treatment is with vitamin C supplements taken by mouth. Improvement often begins in a few days with complete recovery in a few weeks. Scurvy is rare compared to other nutritional deficiencies. It occurs more often in the developing world in association with malnutrition.

Early symptoms are malaise and lethargy. After one to three months, patients develop shortness of breath and bone pain. Myalgias may occur because of reduced carnitine production. A child presenting a “scorbutic tongue” due to vitamin C deficiency.

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