
Easy dinner ideas for two

It’s not like it’s the 1950s. Most men worth their salt aren’t going to judge you based on your homemaking abilities. Still, chances are that if you’ve decided to cook for a man you’ve been seeing, it’s because you want to do something nice for him that also happens to show him you’ve got some serious skills. After all, there’s a reason the whole “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” easy dinner ideas for two is such a popular saying.

Silly as it may be, it’s also true, and wanting to make someone you love happy is nothing at all to be ashamed of. Cooking for your boyfriend for the first time? Picking out what to prepare for him when you cook for a man the first time is super daunting. Do you go with steak or chicken?

Should you keep it simple or dazzle him with your culinary skills like some kind of ultra cute Julia Child type? Sure, on the surface men are easy to please, but appearances can be deceiving. You might be positive that the guy in your life will melt for a steak when the truth is that nothing makes him feel as loved and as a cared for as a nice pan of lasagna baked from scratch. Then there are some men who like being surprised by whatever you might prepare for them, while others are picky eaters who appreciate the gesture but would much rather know what you’re going to put on their plate in advance than risk being surprised by some strange vegetable they have absolutely no intention of ingesting. Sure, you can you go ahead and ask a guy exactly what he wants, but it might help you to know that there are, in fact, some meal ideas that many men agree are fail-safes when it comes to making his belly happy and his heart super full. We gathered 21 of the best easy dinner ideas men say are certain to impress the man in your life when you cook for him. 21 Romantic Dinner Ideas Men Say They Would Love To Have Cooked For Them1.

I’d definitely ask if they like the meal before cooking it. As a dude, I appreciate that more the the surprise. If it is something really good like homemade meatballs or a nice pasta then I spend the days up until the date thinking about it in anticipation. You can’t lose with spaghetti with meat sauce. Gimme a good red sauce pasta with a lot of meat and you’re golden. Throw in a bottle of white wine, some candlelight, and soft jazz to set the mood. Steak, mashed potatoes and a veggie.

Salmon with garlic sauce and a side of green beans. It’s pretty easy but still classy. Go out and get a deer, then do venison shanks. Italian recipes always score major points. A simple meat with pan sauce, mashed potato with cheddar cheese, and some roasted vegetables would be really well received. Almost impossible to mess up, and almost all men would enjoy it. Something you’ve made before and know you can do well.

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