
Lemonade stand sign

From slavery lemonade stand sign the present, black female bodies have been bought and sold. Lemonade is all about the body, and the body as commodity.

This is certainly not radical or revolutionary. 00 BSTLast modified on Tue 8 Aug 2017 19. Viewers who like to suggest Lemonade was created solely or primarily for black female audiences are missing the point. Commodities, irrespective of their subject matter, are made, produced and marketed to entice any and all consumers. Beyoncé’s audience is the world, and that world of business and money-making has no color.

Portraits of ordinary everyday black women are spotlighted, poised as though they are royalty. Real-life images of ordinary, overweight, not-dressed-up bodies are placed within a visual backdrop that includes stylized, choreographed, fashion-plate fantasy representations. Despite all the glamorous showcasing of deep south antebellum fashion, when the show begins Beyoncé as a star appears in sporty casual clothing, the controversial hoodie. Concurrently, the scantily clothed dancing image of athlete Serena Williams also evokes sportswear. It’s all about the body, and the body as commodity.

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