
Madeira sauce

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Make a batch before you even start defrosting the turkey. Homemade cranberry sauce keeps for about a week. Cover it well and store it in the fridge. A raw sauce has a shorter shelf life than a more stable cooked one. You can make it a day or two ahead. If you see liquid starting to pool, drain it off and give the sauce a good stir.

Classic Cranberry Sauce Sweetened with sugar and seasoned with orange juice, this is the most traditional way to make cranberry sauce. It’s also one of the best. Cook until sugar is entirely melted and cranberries begin to burst in the heat, 4 to 6 minutes. Stir again, add the zest of one orange, and cook for 2 or 3 minutes longer, turn off heat, cover pan, and allow to cool.

Put cranberry mixture in a serving bowl, cover, and place in refrigerator until cold, at least 2 hours, or until you need it. If you are using frozen cranberries, there is no need to defrost before cooking. Pull the sauce off the stove once you hear or see the first few cranberries burst. You want some of them to burst but others to remain whole for the best texture. Thanksgiving Day, a few hours before serving. If your sauce doesn’t set after you’ve chilled it, put it back on the stove and simmer it for another 5 minutes or so, then let it cool and chill.

Cranberry Jelly A shimmering cranberry jelly need not come from a can. This homemade version is bracing, syrupy and pleasingly wobbly. A touch of Lillet makes it sophisticated as well. 2 cups sugar and, if you’d like, 2 tablespoons juniper berries for a dash of spice.

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