
Mango salsa

Caribbean jerk salmon bowl with mango salsa salsa. Featured comment Just made this tonite and the whole family devoured it! Hours later we are still talking about it- thank you for the recipe!

This week I made caribbean jerk salmon. Spicy salmon with tons of flavor and good-for-you vitamins. Then issued myself an automatic license to eat 50 leftover Cadbury Eggs. Chipotle seems to always be on the brain these days, which lead me to morph my salmon dinner into a Caribbean Burrito Bol, complete with mango and avocado salsa. This Caribbean jerk salmon bowl with mango salsa is easy, full of flavor, and super healthy. This is feel-good food at its best! Truthfully, making salmon usually stresses me out.

It always gets too burnt on the outside but not cooked on the inside. Maybe I should turn the heat down, or maybe I should start buying skinnier salmon filets, or maybe I should make it more than twice a year, or maybe I should stop playing Draw Something on my phone and start watching the skillet. Speaking of normal things that shouldn’t be stressful, how about that Monday-morning-pre-work-meeting-mocha? Drive through lines are sweat-inducing and bad for the heart when you’re running late and the whole city of St. Paul would also like a drive-through mocha.

Once you’ve got your salmon all prettied up, you’re going to plop it on a bed of rice and beans and top it with fresh mango and avocado salsa. Because it’s life changingly yummy, and you deserve it. Heat the oil in a skillet over medium high heat. Add salmon, starting skin side down, and cook for 3-5 minutes. Add more oil as necessary to prevent from sticking.

Flip the salmon and cook another 3-5 minutes on the meat side. The salmon will start to get a brown crust on the outside from the spices. When salmon is mostly cooked, pull off the skin, leaving just the pieces of meat in the skillet. Combine mangoes, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, and avocado in a small bowl and stir until combined. Stir together rice and beans and season with several pinches of salt, adding a tablespoon water if necessary. Divide between bowls, layering the rice and beans, salmon, and salsa into each bowl. Also, it makes for great texture in the bowl!

I would like to live on a bed of rice and beans. Is that so much to ask? A photo of baked mac and cheese. I used to be a teacher, and now making food and writing about it online is my full-time job. I love talking with people about food, and I’m so glad you’re here.

Instagram so we can find you! I am so thrilled to have found you! It’s so funny that you posted this today! Is salmon and mango in the air or something? I just bought the ingredients to make one of our favorite grilled salmon and mango salsa combo’s this week! It’s turning into mango season here and I’ve been craving that sweet salsa. So fun to see how you make it too!

I may have to try your blackened salmon version. I was seriously eating the mango salsa straight off the spoon. It is pretty much a salad, right? I love your version and the combo of sweet and spicy, this looks sooooo good! Have you tried broiling your salmon? I have such an easier time with it that way, I usually overlook it in the skillet for some reason.

Love the Mexican idea with a fajita bowl. I have not tried broiling my salmon, but I am going to next time! Seeing that you posted a new recipe just made my Monday morning a whole lot sunnier! I love all those sunshine-packed flavours. I’m on a big salmon kick and this bowl looks perfect with it’s spice and texture mix. Is there a specific reason you recommend the salmon well done vs the generally chef recommended mid rare?

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