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How is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Vanna Tran is a home cook who started cooking with her mother at a very young age. She has catered events and hosted pop-up dinners in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 5 years. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

How marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has been viewed 343,620 times. A full-course meal is a meal that serves more than three courses. These meals are usually extravagant events in honor of someone or a particular event. To host your own full course meal, begin by planning your menu in advance. Decide how many courses you’d like to serve and what they will be. Next, set the table before you begin cooking.

This will save you time and allow you to relax with your guests before the meal is served. Multiple course dinners take a lot of time to cook. If you plan ahead, you will leave yourself plenty of time to cook every course. When creating your menu, choose one or two items that will be prepared fresh and cook the others in advance. Soups, pasta sauces, gravies, and bread can be cooked and stored the day before before the meal. Choose recipes that use different cooking equipment.

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