
Minecraft cake ideas

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This article was written by Jack Lloyd. He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher. This article has been viewed 179,608 times. Decide on a type of armor. Leather armor – Reduces all damage by 28 percent. Iron armor – Reduces all damage by 60 percent.

Gold armor – Reduces all damage by 44 percent. Since iron is infinitely more plentiful than gold, gold armor is a comparative waste of time and resources. Diamond armor – Reduces all damage by 80 percent. Objectively the best armor in Minecraft, but extremely difficult to create due to diamonds’ rareness.

You may need to kill more or fewer than 24 cows depending on how much leather each drops. Iron – Mine iron blocks, which resemble grey stone with orange speckles, with a stone pickaxe or better. You will need to mine 24 iron blocks to get 24 iron ore. Gold – Mine gold blocks, which resemble grey stone with yellow speckles, with an iron pickaxe or better. You will need to mine 24 gold blocks to get 24 gold ore. Gold blocks are typically found deep underground.

Diamond – Mine diamond blocks, which resemble grey stone with light-blue speckles, with an iron or diamond pickaxe. You will need 24 diamond ore. Diamond is very deep underground, and very rare. Gather the resources to smelt materials. You’ll use this for a furnace. Fuel – Either chop 6 wooden blocks down to create 24 planks, or mine at least 10 coal blocks.

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