
My rock meaning

My rock meaning 728l-742 -741q-19 -19 -45 -19t-45 19l-742 741q-19 19 -19 45. M704 280v-240q0 -16 -12 -28t-28 -12h-240q-16 0 -28 12t-12 28v240q0 16 12 28t28 12h240q16 0 28 -12t12 -28zM1020 880q0 -54 -15. 5q59 27 84 56t25 76q0 42 -46. 5zM1664 -128q0 -52 -38 -90t-90 -38q-54 0 -90 38l-343 342q-179 -124 -399 -124q-143 0 -273.

M1284 641q0 27 -18 45l-362 362l-91 91q-18 18 -45 18t-45 -18l-91 -91l-362 -362q-18 -18 -18 -45t18 -45l91 -91q18 -18 45 -18t45 18l189 189v-502q0 -26 19 -45t45 -19h128q26 0 45 19t19 45v502l189 -189q19 -19 45 -19t45 19l91 91q18 18 18 45zM1536 640 q0 -209 -103 -385. Save from wrath and make me pure. Thou must save, and Thou alone. Wash me, Savior, or I die.

Let me hide myself in Thee. The Story Behind Rock of Ages As the young minister traveled through the rugged country near England’s Cheddar Gorge, the clouds burst and torrential sheets of rain pummeled the earth. The weary traveler was able to find shelter standing under a rocky overhang. There, protected from the buffeting wind and rain, Augustus Toplady conceived one of the most popular hymns ever written, “Rock of Ages, Cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. In March, 1776 Toplady published the hymn as part of an article in The Gospel Magazine, which he edited. He wrote that just as England could never pay her national debt, so man could never by his own merits satisfy the justice of God. In the middle of the article he burst into song, printing for the first time the hymn “Rock of Ages”, which so ably describes Christ, the Rock of Ages, as the remedy for all our sin.

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