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A copy is also embedded in this document. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. You need to login to do this. That loud guy who talks to himself about games as if somebody’s listening! Welcome back for more TV Tropes! He is also a big fan of the Mario series. LP focused on White version, but also showcased exclusive content from Black.

LP is played on the DS version. 42, but then the remake was announced, forcing it to be delayed. He started saying “But I digress” in Kirby’s Epic Yarn but told himself to stop because another Let’s Player already had that catchphrase. Abnormal Limb Rotation Range: In his deleted tag video, Chugga claims he can turn his head 180 degrees.

Abusive Parents: Claims the player character has these in Pokémon Emerald. As an aside, he’s alluded that in real life he didn’t have the dad of the year either. Accidental Innuendo: In-universe, he likes pointing it out when he sees it. In particular, he found himself unable to take a certain scene in Majora’s Mask seriously, due to the camera angles adding layers of Visual Innuendo for him. He’s also prone to falling victim to this trope himself and only catching the line in question a moment or two after he’s already said it. Examples include: He has a thing for “chests”. Luigi was gripping on to some sort oftall, long thing.

WHY WON’T YOU LET ME SCREW YOU, WALLY? Entei drained me of my balls”. Maybe people just get too caught up in the 1080p-ness of games these days. It depends on the type of mask, like if it’s sunglasses, you’re supposed to suck them off. Accidental Misnaming: People apparently often mispronounce his name, Emile, as Eel. Chugga calls this out during Super Luigi Galaxy, saying it’s not that hard to pronounce.

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