
Quick chocolate cookie recipe

Why are air fryers flying off shelves? Mix the butter and sugar together using an electric whisk or hand whisk until very light and fluffy, then beat in the egg and vanilla. For the best flavour, leave the mixture overnight: either cover the bowl and chill, or roll the quick chocolate cookie recipe into balls and chill. 4 and line two baking sheets with parchment.

If you want to give the dough more texture, tear the balls in half and squidge them lightly back together. Space out evenly on the baking sheets, leaving enough space between each to allow for spreading. Leave to cool on the tray for a few minutes before eating warm, or transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Will keep for three days in an airtight container.

This website is published by Immediate Media Company Limited under licence from BBC Studios Distribution. Mark is the head baker at Hjem Kensington, a Danish café in London. He has been developing recipes for home bakers for the last two years. First, beat the butter, brown sugar, vanilla extract, and salt together until light and fluffy. Mix in the egg, followed by the flour and baking soda.

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