
Rice pack

2493 single-format-standard wp-custom-logo ast-desktop ast-plain-container ast-right-rice pack astra-3. Rice Shelf Life: Can It Go Bad? Rice is one of the most important sources of carbohydrates.

It is not only a staple in Asian and African kitchens but also a popular food item anywhere else in the world. Similar to other grains, rice also comes in different cultivars. Depending on the dishes, sometimes you need basmati or long-grain rice—another time, you need short-grain rice for making sushi. Keeping a pack of white rice or jasmine rice never fails for Thai curry. Brown rice is also a healthy option for regular use.

So, you have some opened packs of rice at the same time. It’s been a few months untouched, and you start to worry. Another time, you cooked more rice than you need for one serving. How long can you keep cooked rice in the refrigerator? Either way, keep reading if you’ve been in a similar situation. You’re about to find useful information on the shelf life of rice, its storage methods, and common signs of rice going bad. If that’s what you need, read on!

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