
Steak sides

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How is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Vanna Tran is a home cook who started cooking with her mother at a very young age. She has catered events and hosted pop-up dinners in the San Francisco Bay Area for over 5 years. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. How marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback.

This article has been viewed 3,827,971 times. If you’re craving a nice, tender steak but don’t have access to a grill, fear not! Broiled steak is just as delicious as its grilled sibling, and you can make it in your oven using little more than a cast iron skillet. Choose a tender cut of steak. Some steaks will broil better than others, so you should take care when choosing cuts of meat. For broiling, choose a tender cut of steak like a sirloin, porterhouse, ribeye, top loin, eye round, or T-bone. Let the steak come to room temperature.

You can use any kind of steak you want, from flank steak to top sirloin. Remove the steak from the fridge and set it on a plate on the counter for 20-30 minutes so it comes to room temperature. Sticking cold steak in the oven may cause it to cook unevenly, so it’s important to let it warm up a bit. If the steak is frozen, completely thaw it in the fridge, which may take up to 12 hours. Avoid thawing meat on the counter which could cause harmful bacteria to grow.

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