
Teriyaki jerky recipe

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This post may contain affiliate links. This peppery smoked beef jerky really turned out fantastic! Don’t wait, fire up the smoker and get ready to make some really great tasting beef jerky. How to slice the meat I chose to use a Beef Eye of Round when making this recipe. Before you slice the cut into jerky strips, trim all visible fat. Fat spoils faster than meat and will shorten the life of the finished jerky.

I sliced this meat by hand for this recipe, make sure to use a really sharp knife. You can also wrap the roast in plastic wrap and put in the freezer for an hour or two to partially freeze. This keeps the meat firm when slicing and allows even slices more easily. Slicing with the grain of the meat gave this jerky a little more of a tough chew.

Visit my page on slicing meat for more information on how to slice strips for jerky. Another way to slice meat is by using a jerky slicer. I LOVE using my Weston Jerky Slicer to cut strips of jerky. It slices all the strips the same thickness allowing them to dry evenly in your smoker or dehydrator. No more pulling pieces out that are finished and letting thicker pieces that are unfinished continue drying. It’s definitely nice when making a bunch of jerky for every piece to be finished at the same time! Below is a picture of some beef eye of round I sliced the other day with the jerky slicer.

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