
Valentines chocolate bouquet

There are many top chocolate brands and flavours to satiate every sweet chocolate craving. With customisations, there is always something to help you express love and best wishes to your near valentines chocolate bouquet dear ones on all special occasions.

Cadbury Chocolates Cadbury Dairy milk chocolates are some of the best chocolates in India and the world’s largest brands of chocolates. The whole process of manufacturing these chocolates is done from their factory in India using locally harvested cocoa. This chocolate company in India is also known for a variety of other chocolates and treats. The famous Kit Kat bars are crisp wafer fingers encrusted in chocolate. The best chocolate of all times and loved by every age group. Amul Chocolates The chocolate list would be incomplete without Amul chocolates. Found in 1956 in Gujarat, Amul is one of India’s oldest and most popular dairy companies.

The company produces bundled milk and dairy items. They produce dark chocolate, and green tea Extricate chocolate. Parle Chocolates The Parle brand is originally from Belgium. With the much-loved premium dark cocoa chocolate flavour, the brand also offers biscuits and sweets with the premium dark cocoa chocolate flavour as one of the most famous chocolate brands. Mars Chocolates Mars brand manufactures chocolates, chewing gums, and mints.

The brand also makes Snickers Chocolate Bars, with caramel, peanuts, and milk. Ferrero Rocher Chocolates Ferrero Rocher is among the top brands of chocolates the world over. Ferrero Rocher chocolates have a unique taste with layers of crunchy and creamy hazelnut filling. Chocolate varieties from Ferrero Rocher include a mix of Vanilla, Milk, and Hazelnut chocolate Truffle. Lotus Chocolates Lotus chocolate name is known for making the best quality chocolates. Campco Chocolates With manufacturing facilities located in Karnataka, Campco chocolate is one of India’s most popular brands of chocolate.

The cocoa is harvested locally to maintain the original chocolate taste. Campo dark chocolate, Campo soft and silky chocolate, and Campo sugar-free chocolate. Hershey Chocolates Brookside’s dark chocolate brand Hershey is one of the best chocolate brands in India. Pacari Chocolates Pacari is one of the most popular chocolate companies in India and the world over.

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