
What is turbinado sugar

This article is about the sugar product. Brown sugar is a what is turbinado sugar sugar product with a distinctive brown color due to the presence of molasses.

Commercial brown sugar contains from 3. Particle size is variable but generally smaller than granulated white sugar. Look up brown sugar in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. In the late 19th century, the newly consolidated refined white sugar industry, which did not have full control over brown sugar production, mounted a smear campaign against brown sugar, reproducing microscopic photographs of harmless but repulsive-looking microbes living in brown sugar. Raw sugars are all more or less liable to be contaminated with decomposing nitrogenous matters, fermentative germs, and other living organisms, both animal and vegetable.

For this reason, raw sugars must always be considered dangerous brewing materials. This section does not cite any sources. Brown sugar is often produced by adding sugarcane molasses to completely refined white sugar crystals to more carefully control the ratio of molasses to sugar crystals and to reduce manufacturing costs. The molasses usually used for food is obtained from sugar cane, because the flavor is generally preferred over beet sugar molasses, although in some areas, especially in Belgium and the Netherlands, sugar beet molasses is used.

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